Welcome to MyHub’s blog
Here you’ll find tips, tactics and strategies to help improve team collaboration, internal communications, and knowledge management within your organization.
Happy reading!
Human Resources Networks: Top 10 Networks for HR Professionals
HR departments are the engine rooms for every business, but the goalposts are constantly changing. New rules and regulations, technology advances,...
11 Employee Needs Work Should Satisfy
Your people are your best asset. We have heard the mantra so often that we have taken it for granted. But every successful business owner knows the...
Strategies For Handling Destructive Criticism In The Workplace
Giving and receiving criticism is part and parcel of every workplace. After all, it’s crucial for improving performance and developing employees’...
8 Strategies For Managing Organizational Politics
Whether you work in a fast-food outlet or as an executive in a multinational, chances are you will encounter organizational politics. This issue...
How A Modern Intranet Helps You Work Faster, Smarter, And Better
Once dismissed as clunky, dull document libraries, intranets sometimes got a bad rap. However, the reality is intranets have evolved since those...
9 Challenges In Team Building And Ways To Overcome Them
Every manager dreams of leading cohesive teams that seamlessly work together to achieve company goals. But if you are a business owner or leader,...
How To Handle Employees With Bad Attitudes: 5 Practical Tips For Managers
Negative, grumpy, and complaining. Everyone has a story to tell about working with a difficult colleague. The tough task of handling workers with...
New Year, New Intranet: 11 Top Intranet Design Trends In 2022
It’s been another full-on year for business. The emergence of Omicron, volatile economies, sustainability, and climate change, plus the Big...
12 Reasons Why An Intranet Should Be On Your Christmas Wish List
What items are on the wish list for your company this year? Top of the list is likely to be increased productivity, enhanced employee engagement, or...
Corporate Communication: What SMEs Need To Know
You may think that corporate communication is just about big companies and large multinationals. However, corporate communication is vital to...
Bad Leadership: 10 Tell-Signs And Tips On How To Cope
Low morale, stress, burnout, and conflict. When a bad leader is in control, there are often distressing consequences for team members. And the...
Self-Introduction The Ultimate Guide
It’s your own commercial or personal elevator pitch. You could be at a job interview, starting a new role, attending a networking event, or giving a...
17 Sure-Fire Ways To Improve Your Communication Skills
What do Oprah Winfrey, Richard Branson, and Tom Brady have in common? They are all great communicators. Each has the ability to connect with an...
Understanding Employee Attrition: What It Means For Your Business
When it comes to HR metrics, like many others, your business probably focuses on employee turnover. That’s the number that really counts, right?...
Benefits Of An Intranet: 50 Undeniable Business Benefits You Need To Know About
Ask the average manager or business owner about the benefits of an intranet, and the following usually spring to mind. Improved communications....
Thank You Notes For Coworkers: 50 Heartfelt Messages For Work Colleagues
There’s a lot of truth in the old saying a little appreciation goes a long way. A post-it note left on a coworker’s desk from an appreciative...
Intranet Search Engine: How To Find The Right Information Faster
Finding information on the internet without Google would be like wading through mud, right? And the same applies to your employee intranet. Without...
Employee Theft: Six Ways To Safeguard Your Small Business
Tesla sues employee for stealing software code’ proclaimed a recent CNBC headline. Employee theft is indeed on the rise, costing US businesses a...
Two Way Communication Explained
We don’t need to tell you how critical communication is to your organization’s success. It’s the glue that binds all staff together. However, many...
The Complete Intranet Design Guide: All You Need To Know In One Concise Resource
Have you been charged with implementing an intranet in your company? Perhaps you’re a business owner who recognizes the value of an intranet, but...
Employee Empowerment: Definition, Benefits, And Ways To Empower Staff Today
Employee empowerment, employee engagement, employee motivation: There are so many terms bandied around nowadays that you would be forgiven for...
Knowledge Sharing Made Easy: 7 Ways To Make The Most Of Your Company Knowledge
The collective knowledge of your people is perhaps your most valuable asset. And yet, a surprising number of businesses have no formalized process...
Building An Online Community: A Guide To Starting And Maintaining A Community Forum
Want to build stronger relationships with existing and potential customers 24/7? It’s a no-brainer, right? Increasingly, businesses wanting to get...
University Intranets: Improving The Employee And Student Experience
It almost goes without saying that universities are knowledge hubs. Students, lecturers, and staff come together to learn, share and collaborate....
100 Useful Performance Review Example Phrases
It’s performance review season and you’re feeling under pressure. You have several staff members reporting to you and what with all the other...
4 Day Work Week: The Future Of Work Or The Latest Fad?
Let’s be honest, who doesn’t look forward to a long weekend. A chance to spend quality time with family, run some errands, or catch up on Netflix,...
The Resurgence Of The Intranet: How To Bridge The Gap Between IT And Business Users
A part of the digital workplace for several decades now, many businesses have been guilty of taking the intranet for granted. However, the shift to...
How To Select The Best Intranet Supplier
Deciding to implement an intranet was easy. With so many great benefits on offer, it's a no-brainer, really. However, selecting the best intranet...
How To Create An Intranet: A Step By Step Beginner’s Guide
Are you persuaded by the case for an office intranet but frustrated by the lack of support from your IT department? Are you bamboozled by talk of...
13 Common Design Features For Business Instant Messaging
Fast, responsive, and relevant, instant messaging (IM) is a game-changer for many businesses. When collaboration and agile decision-making are...