Welcome to MyHub’s blog
Here you’ll find tips, tactics and strategies to help improve team collaboration, internal communications, and knowledge management within your organization.
Happy reading!
The Best CMS Intranet: Cutting Through The Confusion
Choosing the best CMS intranet system can be confusing and overwhelming. Your business has to weigh up several different factors before deciding on...
6 Tips On How To Write A Self-Evaluation Including Example Phrases
Completing a self-evaluation as part of the performance review process is something most of us dread. No matter how many times you have been there...
My Boss Doesn’t Communicate: 10 Smart Steps To Better Communication
My boss doesn’t communicate, this can be very frustrating. But did you also know it can also be costly both to you and the business? According to...
Organizational Communication: The Ultimate Guide Part 3
How To Select The Right Communications Channels Organizational communication channels are the mediums used by organizations to convey information...
Organizational Communication: The Ultimate Guide Part 2
The Cost Of Poor Organizational Communication Various studies have tried to put a dollar figure on the cost of poor organizational communication....
Approval Forms: Automate Your Forms With An Intranet
Are paper and email systems slowing down your business? Are they also costing your company valuable dollars? The truth is just because you’ve been...
Organizational Communication: The Ultimate Guide Part 1
Organizational communication used to be so simple. Back in the day, the whole workforce could comfortably fit in the board room for a meeting. And...
Latest Intranet Reviews
MyHub Intranet is rated 4.9 / 5 based on 26 reviews. Our full in-depth independent intranet reviews can be found on the Capterra reviews website....
81 Inspirational Employee Engagement Quotations
Nowadays, it seems every time we log in to social media, we're presented with a motivational quote together with a beautiful image. But are these...
Productive Meetings In 6 Easy Steps: How An Intranet Can Help
Even in our highly computerized and technology-driven workplaces, we still seem to spend an awful lot of time in meetings. Most employees attend an...
Interview Template: The Smart Way To Recruit
How many of us have been involved in an interview process where there has been some disagreement amongst panel members and an inability to reach a...
Employee Engagement The Ultimate Definition
What does employee engagement mean to you? Is it just another fad? Maybe you think of it as a nice-to-have initiative if you have the time and...
Company Culture: Definition, Drivers and Best Practice Examples
Ask 20 executives for their definition of company culture, and you are likely to get 20 different answers. Company culture is one of those vague...
Top 10 Internal Communication Examples For 2021
Do internal communications help or hinder your business? There’s no doubting; internal communications have been thrust center stage in the wake of...
Top 30 Employee Engagement Videos
Employee engagement makes good business sense, right? After all, it's logical that employees who feel involved, informed, and connected to your...
Employee Appreciation: 10 Budget-Friendly Ways To Show Your Team Some Love
Employee Appreciation Day in the United States is usually observed on the first Friday in March, but with these budget-friendly ideas, you can show...
Department Intranet: Personalized Content For Every Department
Intranets are designed to make it easier for employees to get the job done. Whether it’s internal communications, collaborative working, better...
Resurgence Of The Intranet: Bridge The Gap Between IT And Business Users
In the wake of Covid-19, the intranet has become a critical tool for businesses. That’s the message from 2020 research by Ragan Communications. A...
Stereotypes Of Millennials – Fact Or Fiction? What Employers Need To Know
Let’s face it, millennials often get bad press. According to the media, they are lazy, entitled, job hoppers that are easily distracted by...
How To Develop The Perfect Company Vision
In the middle of a raging pandemic, developing a company vision statement is probably low down on the to-do list. As the global economic recession...
The Complete Intranet Design Guide: All You Need To Know In One Concise Resource
Are you looking to set up an intranet in your company? Perhaps you are a small business owner who can see value in an intranet. However, you are put...
Intranet Management: Best Practices For Managing Your Intranet
So, your intranet is up and running, and you are delighted with the results. Internal communications have improved, team collaboration is on the up,...
Company Intranets: How To Effectively Manage SOPs In Your Organization
Nowadays it seems as though every workplace and industry is dominated by regulations and compliance of one kind or another – perhaps it’s from...
Top 8 Performance Review Tips For Employees
A performance review is your opportunity to get meaningful feedback on your performance at work. Rather than being an uncomfortable or negative...
IT Intranet: How To Improve Service And Boost Your Profile
IT departments are the powerhouse behind every successful business; but, their contribution is often underappreciated. Sometimes written off as...
5 Ways An Intranet Solution Will Improve Financial Control
For small- to medium-sized business owners, internal control often comes second to generating sales and revenue. Responsibility for bookkeeping is...
Intranet vs Extranet: The Essential Guide To Understanding What’s What
Let's face it; technology can be confusing. And it doesn’t help when the jargon all sounds the same —intranet, extranet… internet vs extranet....
Intranet Services: Do It Yourself Or Hire An Intranet Developer
When it comes to intranet services, what’s the best option? Should you do it yourself or hire an intranet developer? If you have been charged with...
10 Tips To Overcome Remote Team Conflict
Conflict resolution within remote teams is a difficult task for any manager. But when the dispute involves employees who are working remotely, it’s...
Can Workplace Technology Really Help Us To Collaborate More?
Workplace technology has undoubtedly transformed the way we work. When the first desktop computers were introduced in the 1970s, they were the size...