The Christmas tree is up, the mince pies are in the oven and the turkey is on order. Yes, the holiday season is almost upon us. Everyone is on a bit of wind down as Christmas approaches, but now is the perfect time to engage staff in the intranet. When it comes to all things festive, the intranet is the place to be for yuletide updates. So let’s take a look at how you can take advantage of the Christmas season to get staff involved in the intranet.
1. The Christmas Party
Every office has one! Yes, it’s the ubiquitous office Christmas party. From canvassing ideas, publicizing the event, to sharing photos, the company intranet can help every step of the way and here’s how. Ask staff for ideas on where to go for the party by using the intranet’s survey tool. Use the results to come up with a shortlist and then get employees to vote on the intranet for their preferred choice. The corporate newsfeed can in turn be used to publicize the event. The intranet’s form builder or Google Sheets can be selected from the embedded Google App to invite employees and to collate responses. And finally, photos of the celebration can be shared on the intranet.
The Christmas party is often a great team builder so make sure you use the intranet to get all staff involved.
2. Online Christmas Cards
Encourage staff to use the intranet to exchange digital Christmas cards and greetings. As well as getting team members to log on to the intranet, you’ll also be helping the environment by cutting down on paper and card in the office.
3. Christmas Fundraising
Many companies use the season of goodwill to get involved in a festive fundraising campaign. It might be carol singing at a rest home, a gift collection for a local charity or perhaps a festive casual clothes Friday with mulled wine and mince pies and participants offering a small donation to join in the festivities that is passed on to charity. Whatever corporate fundraising event you decide upon, the intranet is the perfect vehicle for organizing and publicizing it.
4. Yuletide Events
The Christmas season is often the busiest time of year for corporate events. Invitations abound with many companies hosting events as well as receiving invites to parties and celebrations. Keeping on top of all this merriment can be a challenge, but not with the intranet’s company calendar. All the key corporate events and happenings are displayed in one central platform on the intranet. These events can be organized by team or geographic location as well as on a corporate basis so that employees can see at a glance exactly what’s going on throughout the business.
5. Exchanging Christmas Recipes
Christmas is the perfect time for staff to relax a little from the everyday pressures of deadlines and busy in trays. In fact, it’s great for team spirit and staff morale so why not facilitate some frivolous fun with a Christmas recipe exchange on the intranet. Whether it’s grandma’s tried and tested Christmas pudding recipe, the perfect minced pie recipe or a stuffing for the turkey, everyone has their favorite festive fayre and a recipe exchange is a great way to get some new ideas.
6. Secret Santa
Secret Santa has become a popular tradition in many offices. Make it much easier by using the company intranet to promote and launch Secret Santa as well as to generate and organize the gift exchange online.
7. Coordinating Corporate Christmas Cards and Gift Giving
The process of sending out corporate Christmas cards and gifts can be a logistical nightmare. And for those staff charged with organizing it, there’s always the pressure lurking in the background of the prospect of multiple cards and gifts going to the same client from different teams. Using the suite of embedded Google Apps or developing a customized online form with the intranet’s form builder, it’s a much simpler and smoother process to get the Christmas cards and gifts out in plenty of time and without those embarrassing duplicates.
8. The Boring Company Intranet Stuff
The intranet is the perfect vehicle for reminding staff about important company procedures and policies that are pertinent at this time of year. Use the newsfeed to recap on the corporate gifting policy and the rules relating to client entertaining. What’s more, staff can book their annual leave on the intranet and managers can oversee the essential task of maintaining office cover over the holiday period.
9. Say Thank You To Staff
The end of the year is the perfect opportunity to simply say thank you to all staff for their efforts and hard work. It’s also a good time and can be very motivating for staff to review the year and run through some of the great things the company has achieved. Helping staff to see this bigger picture is an important part of promoting a healthy company culture. Getting the vice president to post a festive video message and to take the time to formally thank staff will make a big difference to overall levels of employee engagement. Oh, and don’t forget to wish staff a merry Christmas too!
So make sure you make the most of your intranet this Christmas season. From improving corporate communication, increasing employee engagement and connecting staff members to enhancing the company culture and staff morale, the company intranet can deliver a number of gifts to your business this yuletide.
If you would like an informal discussion about intranets and the possibilities they offer, get in touch with the friendly team at MyHub.
We wish all our readers a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year.