Intranet Design Made Simple For The Time Poor Executive

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May 2, 2017

If the daunting prospect of having to design an intranet is holding you back from implementing one in your company, then help is at hand. You see, intranets don’t necessarily have to be designed from the ground up. Intranet templates are the perfect solution for time poor executives who want all the benefits that an intranet offers, but are lacking in confidence or experience when it comes to design. Developed by experts in intranet design and with the very latest functionality and industry best practice, with an intranet template all the hard work has been done for you. Carry on reading to find out how an intranet template makes getting an intranet off the ground so much easier and quicker.

Quick Deployment

rapid intranet developmentProbably the most important advantage that using an intranet template offers is quick and easy deployment. Intranet templates are pre-built and come with a powerful range of out of the box business modules and tools. What’s more, the templates have already been tried and tested both for functionality and usability. They can easily be customized with your company colors and branding to reflect your organization’s unique identity. This applies to the modules and tools as well and so if your business has no need for a company calendar for example, then you don’t have to use it: you can pick and mix to get the right blend of modules for your business. It’s a myth, therefore, that utilizing an intranet template will mean your intranet is a carbon copy of everyone else’s that use that particular intranet supplier. The truth is that even with a template, every intranet is unique.

Intranet Design Best Practice

Using an intranet template means that you will be taking advantage of the very latest best practice in the industry. Keeping abreast of developments in intranet design, functionality and usability is bread and butter to the intranet template provider as the success of their product and their brand reputation depend on it. That kind of specialist knowledge and understanding is priceless, particularly in the context of the time poor business owner who wants to focus all their energies on getting out there drumming up new business. This industry knowledge and expertise also extends to intranet layout, mobile and tablet optimization and is influenced by the latest trends in internet design.

Getting The Right Level Of Functionality

too much functionalityThe intranet template provider will have worked with many companies just like yours and so probably has a better handle on what your needs are than you do yourself. Rather than starting off with a blank piece of paper as you would do if developing an intranet by yourself, the provider can offer invaluable advice on pitching the intranet’s functionality at the right level for your business. So rather like a walled garden, the intranet template helps to contain you so that you don’t get carried away with things like integration and functionality such that the intranet becomes overly complicated and defeats its purpose. Likewise, if the more technical aspects of the intranet make your eyes glaze over, then a template takes care of all the more difficult technological side of things so you don’t have to.

Pre-Set Navigation And Structure

All the best company intranet designs have an intuitive and logical structure and navigation. From the main menu through to signposts, iframes and widgets the best intranets make it easy for users to find the information and tools that they are looking for. With an intranet template, this very important aspect is already taken care of. Again, the knowledge and expertise of your intranet provider really comes into play here as the navigation and structure have been pre-tested and optimized to make it as intuitive as possible for the end user. So unless you have a great deal of time on your hands to develop a site map, navigation and menu set-up for your intranet, then an intranet template could be a great alternative option.

Another fundamental aspect relating to structure and ease of use is an advanced search capability. You may well have designed the flashiest intranet in the world but if users cannot quickly find the information they want, then your intranet is in danger of failing. The track record of the intranet template is already proven with a number of businesses just like yours. Search using tags, key words, themes, author name or title and find the data you want in an instant.

Ongoing Security And Management

intranet design permissionsEnsuring the security of your intranet and the important and sensitive company data that it contains is another key consideration. With an intranet template, the provider is responsible for all security matters and this includes updates, backups, SSL encryption as well as secure document filing and storage together with site and file permissions. The provider, therefore, handles both internal and external security issues utilizing the latest industry-recognized features and measures. Keeping abreast of these measures is a full-time job in itself so unless you have an internal resource or have the inclination yourself, then an intranet template can take care of this particular headache.

What’s more, the ongoing management of the intranet is a simple and straightforward process with an intranet template. Using a familiar file explorer interface, even the non-technical person will find it easy to add and delete users, create content and update pages. The intranet template already comes with intuitive administration tools so you won’t have to develop your own.

Don’t Reinvent The Wheel

Why waste your time reinventing the wheel if you don’t have to? That’s the key question here. If you have the energy and the time as well as the expertise and resources then great, go ahead and design your company intranet from scratch. However, if like most business owners and executives time is an issue, resources are finite and internal expertise is limited, then using an intranet template is a very easy and cost-effective way to implement a premium, professionally designed and delivered intranet.

If you’re struggling with the design for your intranet and you’d like some expert advice, get in touch with the friendly team at MyHub today. Take advantage of our free trial offer and see for yourself how easy it is to deploy an intranet design template.

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