Intranet Solution For Game Developers: The Easy Choice

Feb 19, 2018 | 0 comments

As a game developer, the chances are you haven’t given a huge amount of thought to the operational side of your business. Your focus is naturally on creating and crafting video games and somehow you just seem to muddle through the rest of it. Well, you don’t need us to tell you how insanely competitive the game development industry is and so if you have a smooth running business that enables easy collaboration with your freelancers as well as an efficient operation, then you’re giving yourself the best chance of success. And that’s what’s on offer with a cloud intranet. So, let’s look in detail at the many advantages available to game developers with a cloud intranet development solution.

Cloud Solution Supports Remote Working

When and where do you do your best work? Is it over a cappuccino at your local coffee shop? Or maybe it’s when you’re working at a friend’s apartment and can bounce ideas off each other? Perhaps you’re one of those people that really comes to life at night and you can frequently be found burning the midnight oil as you get completely lost in the game development process.

remote working in pajamasThe truth is that most game developers work remotely and often primarily on their own. The intranet’s cloud solution will support your business whether you’re a one-man-band or have a team of freelancers working for you. You will be able to access all the intranet’s tools and features from anywhere and at any time. Need to refer back to those graphics? Or perhaps you want to double check that you’re still on budget. Containing all key company information and data, the cloud intranet is accessible whether it’s 3 am or 3 pm and regardless of whether you’re in a meeting with a client or slaving away at home in your pajamas.

And so, if you’re after a technological solution that offers backroom operational support and that you can access 24/7, then a cloud intranet is the answer.

Increased Opportunities For Collaboration

Some game developers undertake the whole end-to-end development process themselves, but for most developers there’s at least some element of collaboration with others involved. It could be utilizing the services of a freelance graphic designer or perhaps a musician has provided the background music for the game. The cloud intranet is the perfect platform for developing and managing joint working. Instead of multiple apps and software, you can communicate and collaborate with freelancers via the single platform of the cloud intranet software solution.

Why not set up a project space on the intranet for each game that you are currently developing. You can then grant access to the freelancers that you are collaborating with and you can use the project space to exchange ideas, share insights and brainstorm concepts. What’s more, you can embed G Suite apps or Office 365 directly in your intranet for faster, more efficient joint working. For example, if the project issues list stored in a Google Sheet needs to be updated, any one of the collaborators can do so in real-time via the intranet which automatically updates the central spreadsheet. In fact, the issues list can be worked on simultaneously by any number of collaborators. And the great advantage of embedding G Suite or Office 365 files directly in the intranet is that important contextual information can be conveyed alongside, which simplifies things for everyone involved.

And so, if you’re looking for a technological solution that will streamline communications and workflow with your freelancers, then a cloud intranet offers that possibility as well.

A Comprehensive And Flexible Solution

cloud intranet softwareYour game development business will hopefully go from strength to strength. Things can and often move very fast in the gaming industry and there are plenty of examples of developers that started off as small or sole enterprises and very quickly grew into big companies with many employees. EA Games in the US and Ubisoft in Europe are both great examples of multi-billion dollar companies that had very humble beginnings.

And when you’re far too busy on the all-consuming process of game development, it’s hard enough to take the necessary time out to research a technological platform that will support your business. You certainly don’t want to be doing it all again a few years down the track because your business has outgrown the original solution. It’s far better to make a choice first time around that is capable of growing alongside your business with the minimum amount of fuss. And that’s very much what’s on offer with a cloud intranet. Cloud intranets like MyHub with an unlimited number of users and data storage are highly scalable so that they can grow in tandem with you.

Don’t make the mistake of investing in a platform that has a limited shelf life. Instead, invest in a solution that will still be fit for purpose several years down the track when you’ve achieved your dreams and are the CEO of a global company.

SaaS Pricing Model Offers Cost Certainty

For small businesses like yours, the SaaS pricing model offered by the cloud intranet has a number of welcome advantages. Instead of purchasing and installing software or acquiring additional hardware to operate and support it, game developers can simply subscribe to a SaaS provider. The real beauty of this model is that the provider retains the responsibility for hardware acquisition and maintenance, as well as software licensing, installation and support. All you need to do is just log on and away you go – it really is as easy as that.

And so, as well as saving money on software and hardware solutions, you’ll also benefit from greater cost certainty. You see, the cloud intranet provider usually works on a pay-as-you-go basis. From a per user charge or a one-off payment to a flat monthly fee with unlimited users, the actual charge structure may vary from provider to provider, but the outcome is much the same: you have much greater cost certainty and more control over your budgets. For small businesses or startups, this is a huge bonus and allows you to more confidently manage cash flow and your overall business finances.

Intranet Solution For Game Developers: The Easy Choice

forms workflowAs well as being a comprehensive solution that will meet a whole range of business needs, the intranet platform also has one other very important advantage – it’s super easy and quick to set up. Who’s got the time to spend on downloading and installing software, let along testing and piloting? Your time is precious and is more productively spent on game development. A cloud intranet is so simple to set up that you only need a couple of hours to get it all going. Then you can sit back and enjoy the benefits an intranet will bring from a simplified workflow, improved communication and collaboration through to more efficient management processes – the intranet has the lot.

Find out more about how an intranet can help support your game development business by getting in touch with the team at MyHub. You can try out the software with a no-risk demo or a free 14-day trial offer. It’s a no-brainer so get in touch today.

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