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100 Useful Performance Review Example Phrases

100 Useful Performance Review Example Phrases

It’s performance review season and you’re feeling under pressure. You have several staff members reporting to you and what with all the other priorities you have, finding the time to prepare, let alone strike the right balance between positive and negative feedback,...

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Approval Forms: Automate Your Forms With An Intranet

Approval Forms: Automate Your Forms With An Intranet

Are paper and email systems slowing down your business? Are they also costing your company valuable dollars? The truth is just because you’ve been doing it the same way for years, doesn’t mean it’s the most efficient and effective methodology. In fact, paper and email...

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Top 8 Performance Review Tips For Employees

Top 8 Performance Review Tips For Employees

A performance review is your opportunity to get meaningful feedback on your performance at work. Rather than being an uncomfortable or negative process, performance reviews that are done well help you to grow in your job and progress in your career. So, what do you...

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5 Great Ways An Intranet Solution Can Help Your Business

5 Great Ways An Intranet Solution Can Help Your Business

Let’s face it, nowadays there’s an app for pretty much every business function you can think of. Whether it’s cloud computing, collaboration, communication and messaging apps, customer relationship management software or project management tools, there’s a SaaS...

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Exit Interviews: The How, What, Why And Benefits

Exit Interviews: The How, What, Why And Benefits

Is your businesses guilty of letting important data on employee satisfaction simply walk out the door? Far from being a pointless exercise, exit interviews can provide essential insights into how your company is doing on the employee engagement front, and perhaps more...

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Festive Fun With An Intranet

Festive Fun With An Intranet

The countdown to the Christmas holiday season has begun! As soon as the Christmas tree goes up in the office, a relaxed atmosphere of yuletide merriment takes over as everyone gets in the holiday spirit. However, the Christmas season is also the perfect time to get...

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Simple Workflow: Speedy and Accurate Business Processes

Simple Workflow: Speedy and Accurate Business Processes

All businesses have forms and processes that staff members follow every day. It could be requests for information from other teams or the ordering of supplies and materials, through to staff management processes such as requests for leave, expenses claims and change...

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