HR is at the heart of most organizations. Whether it’s recruitment, staff retention, performance appraisal, employee metrics or overseeing payroll, professional development and employee wellness programs, there’s certainly plenty going on in HR. That's why...
cloud-based intranet articles
Intranet Mythbusters: Debunking The Top Five Intranet Myths
Rather like those urban legends that persist in doing the rounds – like say the one about New York’s giant sewer gators or the unsuspecting businessmen in strange cities falling prey to kidney thieves – there are a number of myths that have grown up around intranets....
Stop! Before You Dive Into Your Intranet Project Read This Post
You’ve googled ‘intranet’ and have found a couple of options that look promising. You watch the demo videos and it all seems so easy. Setting up an intranet can’t be that difficult you say to yourself and so you dive in head first, promising staff that the answer to...
Mobile-Responsive Intranets: Remote Working Made Easy This Christmas
The Christmas holiday season is just around the corner and most of us are looking forward to some time away from the office relaxing with family and friends. Spare a thought though for those that need to work over the holiday season. Service technicians, essential...
Intranet Platform: How To Make The Right Choice
Selecting which intranet platform to go for is a big decision and you’ll want to get it right first time. However, with lots of choices and options to choose from, it can be a confusing process. In this article, we make it easier by looking in detail at what’s...
Intranet Deployment: Common Pitfalls To Avoid
Here at MyHub, we know a thing or two about intranets. So, if you’re looking to deploy an office intranet in the near future, then this post is essential reading. We give you the benefit of our many years’ experience and highlight some of the common mistakes that...
Future-Proofing Your CMS Intranet: How To Maximize The ROI
More often than not organizations are making choices about which intranet software to deploy based on a pressing business need. It might be that communications was an issue in the organization, perhaps it was simply a need to better manage and share documents, or...
Is A Cloud-based Solution Or In-house Intranet Right For Your Business?
Once you’ve decided that an intranet solution is right for your business, a core question is whether to go for something cloud-based, or a platform that is built on your company’s network. As either option has both advantages and disadvantages, it pays to consider...
Intranet Design: What Are The Essential Ingredients?
What makes a great intranet? Ask a random sample of colleagues in the workplace and it’s likely that the majority will cite design as being the defining factor in creating an outstanding intranet. But what are the essential ingredients of a great design? In this...
Mobile Intranet: How To Create A Mobile Friendly Intranet Portal
The days of employees being glued to their desks and PCs are gone. Flexible arrangements and remote working have become standard practice in most companies. In fact, up to 37 percent of workers in the US are working remotely and regular remote working for the...
Intranet Hosting: What Are The Options?
Making the decision to go ahead with a company intranet is one of the best business decisions that your organization can make. The next important decision to consider is intranet hosting and which option is the most appropriate for you. In this article, we look at the...
The Best Intranet: Company Intranet Features Part 2
This article is the second in a two-part discussion on key company intranet features. Whether you are thinking about introducing a company intranet or are revamping an existing one, you will want to make sure that these essential features are included. In the first...
Cloud-Based Intranet vs. Company Network: Which is Right for Your Business?
As you're considering intranet solutions, it's important to look carefully at what will be the most practical for your company. Two very real options are a cloud-based intranets vs. installing your intranet on a company network. There are several advantages and...