Mention intranet security in the office, and you'll probably be met with stifled yawns or glazed eyes. While it may not be the most exciting topic, a secure intranet in today's digital age is critical for safeguarding sensitive information. According to Statista, the...
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Intranet Development: Making Life Easier For An Intranet Developer
You have been tasked with developing an intranet for an important client. How do you choose the right intranet development option? One that meets the customer’s needs at the right price and with minimum risk to your web development agency. Anyone who has developed a...
Shadow IT: A Threat Or An Opportunity For Organizations?
The term shadow IT, almost by definition, has negative connotations. It conjures up images of clandestine downloading or secretive arrangements. But is it really all bad? In this article, we look at some of the pros and cons of shadow IT, particularly in relation to...
Cloud-based Intranet: Getting The Executive Team On Board
Looking at cloud-based intranet systems, there’s a whole lot to love about them. They’re cheaper than a great many traditional solutions, they’re incredibly convenient… and by their very nature, there’s a whole lot less hardware to worry about maintaining. The problem...
Intranet Demos And Why They Are Essential
Introducing a company intranet is an important business decision, representing an investment of both time and resources. Some companies, however, are failing to undertake due diligence and are not always ensuring they have a demonstration before making a final choice...
Office Intranet: How To Add Value To Small Businesses
The world of office intranets is now more accessible than ever to small businesses. Google ‘intranet’ and you’ll find there is a wide range of providers as well as easily downloadable software for a do-it-yourself-type option. Indeed, the sheer volume of choice can be...
Intranet Hosting: What Are The Options?
Making the decision to go ahead with a company intranet is one of the best business decisions that your organization can make. The next important decision to consider is intranet hosting and which option is the most appropriate for you. In this article, we look at the...
Hosted Intranet Solutions: 5 Features and How to Make Them Work
Hosted Intranet Solution Advantages Hosted intranet solutions have a number of advantages for many businesses. When you first start thinking about an intranet solution, you may assume that you have to host it on-site. That's going to require an enhanced tech team,...