hr intranet articles

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Employee Intranet: 42 Hot Reasons Why Every Business Needs One

Employee Intranet: 42 Hot Reasons Why Every Business Needs One

Want to improve your organization’s efficiency, productivity, and performance? It’s a no-brainer, right? Every company wants to streamline processes, enhance internal communication, and maximize profits. But what’s the best and most cost-effective way to do so? Plenty...

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Intranet In Business: Definition, Benefits, And Uses Explained

Intranet In Business: Definition, Benefits, And Uses Explained

"Traditional intranets are dead — modern intranets are alive and well," declared research and consulting firm Gartner in a recent report. Intranet software has indeed come a long way since its first appearance in the 1990s. Intranet platforms are thriving in today's...

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HR Advisor: Responsibilities, Skills, And Requirements

HR Advisor: Responsibilities, Skills, And Requirements

Log on to any recruitment website, and you'll find 1,000s of jobs for HR advisors. Working at the heart of the human resources department, an HR advisor is an exciting and varied people-focused role. HR advisor responsibilities include providing guidance on policies,...

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Workplace Harassment And Bullying Policy – Free Template

Workplace Harassment And Bullying Policy – Free Template

Dubbed an office cancer by some commentators, workplace harassment and bullying are on the rise. According to one global survey, almost 23 percent of workers have experienced harassment and violence. And the impacts on staff and organizations are extensive and wide...

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HR Intranet: 10 Compelling Benefits For Human Resources

HR Intranet: 10 Compelling Benefits For Human Resources

The human resources team is at the heart of every organization. Traditionally, its primary focus has been people and relationships. In today’s digital workplace, those face-to-face relationships that have been so integral to HR are changing. The Covid pandemic...

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SharePoint Intranet: The Pros And Cons

SharePoint Intranet: The Pros And Cons

If you are on the hunt for a company intranet platform, the chances are that a SharePoint intranet is on your shortlist. After all, it’s one of the world’s most popular intranet technologies, largely thanks to its inclusion in Microsoft 365. However, it’s also fair to...

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Internal Website: Uses, Features And Setup

Internal Website: Uses, Features And Setup

Many companies spend top dollar on trend-setting customer-facing websites with all the bells and whistles. However, often it’s a different story with their internal versions. If there is one, it’s usually cluttered with outdated content, making it impossible to...

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12 Top Tips To Power Up Your HR Comms

12 Top Tips To Power Up Your HR Comms

HR is the beating heart of every business, connecting management and staff. Get HR comms right, and the whole organization thrives. Impacting employee engagement, morale, and productivity, plus much more, HR communications are vital to business success. However,...

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Ethics In The Workplace: All You Need To Know

Ethics In The Workplace: All You Need To Know

Workplace ethics is a complex but increasingly important subject. Ethics in the workplace infographic is provided below. Society is more conscious and informed about the ethical practices of businesses. Consumers prefer to buy from companies with ethical standards and...

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The Ultimate Employee Onboarding Checklist

The Ultimate Employee Onboarding Checklist

Starting a new job is a daunting task for anyone. It’s just like being the new kid in school. You haven't got a clue what's happening, don't know anyone, and feel you stick out like a sore thumb. Despite the best intentions, many companies miss the mark when it comes...

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Best Practice Guide To Employee Onboarding

Best Practice Guide To Employee Onboarding

After months of advertising and interviewing, you have finally appointed that rock-star employee you have been searching for. Congratulations! However, if you want to develop a long and fruitful relationship with top talent, you need effective employee onboarding....

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Department Intranet: Personalized Content For Every Department

Department Intranet: Personalized Content For Every Department

Intranets are designed to make it easier for employees to get the job done. Whether it’s internal communications, collaborative working, better access to information, and streamlined processes, intranets support day-to-day operations. This can all be delivered through...

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4 Easy Ways To Motivate Disengaged Employees

4 Easy Ways To Motivate Disengaged Employees

Did you know that disengaged employees could be costing your company thousands of dollars every year? Finding ways to motivate disengaged employees is a priority for modern companies, especially research tells us that disengaged employees are costing US companies a...

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HR Technology: Increase Productivity With An Intranet

HR Technology: Increase Productivity With An Intranet

HR is at the heart of most organizations. Whether it’s recruitment, staff retention, performance appraisal, employee metrics or overseeing payroll, professional development and employee wellness programs, there’s certainly plenty going on in HR. That's why...

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HR’s Role In Employee Engagement: The Essential Guide!

HR’s Role In Employee Engagement: The Essential Guide!

Employee engagement adds value to any organization. It can make a difference to the individual employee as well as the business as a whole. Get it right and the rewards on offer are significant: increased productivity, improved customer service, reduced staff turnover...

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Exit Interviews: The How, What, Why And Benefits

Exit Interviews: The How, What, Why And Benefits

Is your businesses guilty of letting important data on employee satisfaction simply walk out the door? Far from being a pointless exercise, exit interviews can provide essential insights into how your company is doing on the employee engagement front, and perhaps more...

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Employee Self-Service Portals: More Than Just A HR Resource

Employee Self-Service Portals: More Than Just A HR Resource

Employee self-service portals are not a new idea. In fact, they’ve been used as an HR resource by many organizations for some time. These organizations have found that enabling employee self-service not only increases productivity, it also has knock-on effects in...

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Mobile Intranets: Connecting Logistics Company Staff

Mobile Intranets: Connecting Logistics Company Staff

Logistics companies are fundamental to the US economy and are responsible for generating over $2b in net revenue. Transportation and warehousing of product is their bread and butter which means they have large numbers of staff out and about on the road, managing and...

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Company Intranet Use To Optimize And Achieve HR Goals

Company Intranet Use To Optimize And Achieve HR Goals

Tempting as it may be, you shouldn’t be leaving the newest trends in technology to your IT team. No matter who you are in an organization, from the business owner to the HR manager, understanding innovative technology can have a beneficial effect on every aspect of a...

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