Disengaged employees are bad for business, but you may not have realized just how bad they are. According to McKinsey, employee disengagement costs a median-size S&P 500 company between $228 million and $355 million annually in lost productivity. That’s a massive...
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Identifying Workplace Bullying: 7 Signs of Bullying at Work
If you thought bullying was confined to the playground, it's time to think again. Described as an office cancer by some commentators, incidents of workplace bullying are increasing, creating a toxic work environment. According to data from the Workplace Bullying...
Workplace Harassment And Bullying Policy – Free Template
Dubbed an office cancer by some commentators, workplace harassment and bullying are on the rise. According to one global survey, almost 23 percent of workers have experienced harassment and violence. And the impacts on staff and organizations are extensive and wide...
Employee Retention Strategies to Hang On to Your Best Workers
What started in late 2020 with a rapid explosion of pandemic-flamed turnover rapidly grew to be a long-lasting phenomenon. Dubbed the Great Resignation, it's still affecting all industries and job categories. Employee retention is now a hot topic across the globe. And...
HR Intranet: 10 Compelling Benefits For Human Resources
The human resources team is at the heart of every organization. Traditionally, its primary focus has been people and relationships. In today’s digital workplace, those face-to-face relationships that have been so integral to HR are changing. The Covid pandemic...
How To Handle Employees With Bad Attitudes: 5 Practical Tips For Managers
Negative, grumpy, and complaining. Everyone has a story to tell about working with a difficult colleague. The tough task of handling workers with poor attitudes falls to managers and HR professionals. Often that task is made all the trickier because these staffers are...
Bad Leadership: 10 Tell-Signs And Tips On How To Cope
Low morale, stress, burnout, and conflict. When a bad leader is in control, there are often distressing consequences for team members. And the outcomes are just as devastating for the organization. Decreased productivity, staff turnover, and unhappy customers are just...
Employee Theft: Six Ways To Safeguard Your Small Business
Tesla sues employee for stealing software code’ proclaimed a recent CNBC headline. Employee theft is indeed on the rise, costing US businesses a whopping $110 million per day. And while most workers are trustworthy, it just takes one rogue individual to have a...
100 Useful Performance Review Example Phrases
It’s performance review season and you’re feeling under pressure. You have several staff members reporting to you and what with all the other priorities you have, finding the time to prepare, let alone strike the right balance between positive and negative feedback,...
Interview Template: The Smart Way To Recruit
How many of us have been involved in an interview process where there has been some disagreement amongst panel members and an inability to reach a consensus on the best candidate? This is a common problem that has its roots in poor preparation and an inconsistent...
Top 30 Employee Engagement Videos
Employee engagement makes good business sense, right? After all, it's logical that employees who feel involved, informed, and connected to your business are more committed and productive. Gallup has been telling us that for years. However, when staff work from home in...
Stereotypes Of Millennials – Fact Or Fiction? What Employers Need To Know
Let’s face it, millennials often get bad press. According to the media, they are lazy, entitled, job hoppers that are easily distracted by technology. Defined as those born in the 1980s and 1990s, millennials now make up the largest group of working adults in the US...
Top 8 Performance Review Tips For Employees
A performance review is your opportunity to get meaningful feedback on your performance at work. Rather than being an uncomfortable or negative process, performance reviews that are done well help you to grow in your job and progress in your career. So, what do you...
HR’s Role In Employee Engagement: The Essential Guide!
Employee engagement adds value to any organization. It can make a difference to the individual employee as well as the business as a whole. Get it right and the rewards on offer are significant: increased productivity, improved customer service, reduced staff turnover...
Exit Interviews: The How, What, Why And Benefits
Is your businesses guilty of letting important data on employee satisfaction simply walk out the door? Far from being a pointless exercise, exit interviews can provide essential insights into how your company is doing on the employee engagement front, and perhaps more...
Interview Format: How To Conduct Effective Candidate Interviews
Employee turnover costs US businesses $160 billion a year. And the average cost per hire for companies is $4,129. These are sobering statistics, especially in today’s highly competitive market where every dollar of expenditure counts. Getting the interview process...
Top Performance Review Tips: 8 Ways For Managers To Improve The Process
Does the prospect of the annual round of performance reviews fill you with a mix of anxiety and dread? You know it’s coming but, rather like Christmas, somehow it always seems to creep up on you and catches you unawares. You want to do a good job but with several team...
Recruitment Quote: Inspiration And Motivation For Recruitment Professionals
Sometimes we all need a little something to get us going at the start of a working day. Picture a cold, wet Monday morning in the middle of winter. You’ve been staring at your computer screen for the last ten minutes, scrolling aimlessly but not actually knuckling...
Bursting The Bubble: A Company Intranet Can’t Solve Everything
Companies are adopting intranet software solutions left, right, and centre, which is great. The benefits of a company intranet are plentiful, from enhancing employee engagement to offering ready access to data that employees within the company need to complete their...
Company Intranet Use To Optimize And Achieve HR Goals
Tempting as it may be, you shouldn’t be leaving the newest trends in technology to your IT team. No matter who you are in an organization, from the business owner to the HR manager, understanding innovative technology can have a beneficial effect on every aspect of a...