The transfer of knowledge within an organization is often a poorly recognized issue. Most businesses will agree that it should be done, but very few have approached knowledge transfer in any systematic way. Usually an ad hoc approach involving a hastily arranged exit...
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Top Intranet Features Reshape Marketing and HR Departments
Keeping up with the latest technology trends isn’t just for the IT guy. From business owners to marketing, HR and finance managers, the trickle-down effect of innovative technology can permeate an entire organization. Advancements in intranet solutions are no...
Festive Fun With An Intranet
The countdown to the Christmas holiday season has begun! As soon as the Christmas tree goes up in the office, a relaxed atmosphere of yuletide merriment takes over as everyone gets in the holiday spirit. However, the Christmas season is also the perfect time to get...
CEO Blogs: Tips On How To Communicate With Staff And Customers
Many companies are realizing the value of CEO blogs as an internal communications tool. You see, engaging and interesting content shared in a CEO blog ticks a number of boxes all at once: from increased employee engagement and improved internal communications, through...
Small Business Intranet: Now You Too Can Take Full Advantage Of The Power Of Intranets
Have you heard about the benefits an intranet offers businesses but thought it was only for big companies? Or perhaps you’re interested in the idea of an intranet, but without an internal IT resource, you put it in the too-hard basket? Maybe you’ve identified a number...
Intranet Tools: The Essential Top 10 For Business
Regular readers of this blog will be familiar with the business benefits an intranet has to offer. But for new readers here’s a quick recap on what’s possible by introducing intranet tools into your company: improved internal communications increases in employee...
Workplace Compliance: Ease The Burden With An Office Intranet
Nowadays, it can feel like you can’t even sneeze in the office without having to record the event and report it to multiple agencies! Running a business today is indeed completely different to what it was even five years ago. Government and legislative regulations and...