Have you ever tried to find your way around a new city without Google Maps? It’s doable but tricky, right? You can’t see where you’re heading or how things fit together. And without an intranet site map, you’ll experience the same confusion and disorganization....
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Employee Engagement Action Plan: It’s Time For Action
If your organization is serious about making a real difference to employee engagement, an action plan is perfect for getting started. Less than one-third of US workers feel engaged in the workplace, and the time to act is now. Businesses with high engagement report...
The Complete Intranet Design Guide: All You Need To Know In One Concise Resource
Are you looking to set up an intranet in your company? Perhaps you are a small business owner who can see value in an intranet. However, you are put off from getting stuck in because IT isn’t your thing. Maybe you are a busy executive finding it hard to navigate all...
Intranet Post-Launch Traps And Other Considerations
After weeks of planning and development, your company intranet has successfully been launched. You’re pretty pleased with yourself as the feedback has been overwhelmingly positive. Colleagues and peers have been enthusiastic in their praise and you even got a pat on...
10 Things To Consider Before You Start Your Intranet Project
Getting your new intranet off the ground can be a daunting task. How do you get started? There’s so much to think about. Perhaps you’ve tried googling ‘how to start your intranet’ and were put off by the complexity of the results. Especially if technology isn’t really...
Intranet Tools: What’s In The MyHub Toolkit?
Getting started on your intranet project can be difficult. There are so many things to consider and decisions to be made that it can be overwhelming. And when time is also an issue, as it usually is, deploying an intranet can sometimes fall off the radar even though...
Company Intranets: How To Achieve A Successful Launch
If you are planning to launch a company intranet then congratulations! You are joining a growing number of businesses in realizing the many great benefits company intranets have to offer. From improved internal communications, increased levels of employee engagement,...
The Best Intranet Solution for Your Company in 4 Easy Steps
Whether you're diving into a company intranet solution for the first time or trying to create an intranet that will work better and improve employee engagement more than the last one, you want to be sure that you're developing the best intranet solution for your...
Planning Your Intranet
Where To Start Think about what’s driving the need to either implement an intranet or move away from your existing intranet. List these out as goals or objectives and then prioritize them into two columns: Phase One (Must-haves for launch on day one) Phase Two...
Intranet Design: Do You Need A Flawless Design?
A flawless intranet design isn't just important to a company's success, it is absolutely essential. An under-performing or poorly designed intranet site can take years for a company to recover from. The functionality of the design has to be intuitive, the technology...