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Employee Theft: Six Ways To Safeguard Your Small Business

Employee Theft: Six Ways To Safeguard Your Small Business

Tesla sues employee for stealing software code’ proclaimed a recent CNBC headline. Employee theft is indeed on the rise, costing US businesses a whopping $110 million per day. And while most workers are trustworthy, it just takes one rogue individual to have a...

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Two Way Communication Explained

Two Way Communication Explained

We don’t need to tell you how critical communication is to your organization’s success. It’s the glue that binds all staff together. However, many businesses mistake information sharing for communication. You may have a cutting-edge CEO vlog and multi-media staff...

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The Truth About Employee Engagement

The Truth About Employee Engagement

Bestselling author and business guru Patrick Lencioni’s seminal book The Truth About Employee Engagement was first published in 2015. And it’s still a must-read for anyone interested in employee engagement and the impact disengaged employees have on organizations. The...

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100 Useful Performance Review Example Phrases

100 Useful Performance Review Example Phrases

It’s performance review season and you’re feeling under pressure. You have several staff members reporting to you and what with all the other priorities you have, finding the time to prepare, let alone strike the right balance between positive and negative feedback,...

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4 Day Work Week: The Future Of Work Or The Latest Fad?

4 Day Work Week: The Future Of Work Or The Latest Fad?

Let’s be honest, who doesn’t look forward to a long weekend. A chance to spend quality time with family, run some errands, or catch up on Netflix, what’s not to like? Imagine, then, if a 4-day week was introduced in your workplace, how cool would that be. Flexible...

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Organizational Communication: The Ultimate Guide Part 3

Organizational Communication: The Ultimate Guide Part 3

How To Select The Right Communications Channels Organizational communication channels are the mediums used by organizations to convey information and messages to each other. One thing for sure is there’s no shortage of communication channels to choose from. Advances...

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Organizational Communication: The Ultimate Guide Part 2

Organizational Communication: The Ultimate Guide Part 2

The Cost Of Poor Organizational Communication Various studies have tried to put a dollar figure on the cost of poor organizational communication. According to SHRM, this could be as much as $62.4 billion per year. And another study reports that 56 percent of project...

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Organizational Communication: The Ultimate Guide Part 1

Organizational Communication: The Ultimate Guide Part 1

Organizational communication used to be so simple. Back in the day, the whole workforce could comfortably fit in the board room for a meeting. And cross-team collaboration was easy when colleagues were just across the hall. Fast forward five years, and it's a...

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Productive Meetings In 6 Easy Steps: How An Intranet Can Help

Productive Meetings In 6 Easy Steps: How An Intranet Can Help

Even in our highly computerized and technology-driven workplaces, we still seem to spend an awful lot of time in meetings. Most employees attend an incredible 62 meetings a month. Now that’s a lot of time spent talking and not actually doing! And so we all need to ask...

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Interview Template: The Smart Way To Recruit

Interview Template: The Smart Way To Recruit

How many of us have been involved in an interview process where there has been some disagreement amongst panel members and an inability to reach a consensus on the best candidate? This is a common problem that has its roots in poor preparation and an inconsistent...

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Top 30 Employee Engagement Videos

Top 30 Employee Engagement Videos

Employee engagement makes good business sense, right? After all, it's logical that employees who feel involved, informed, and connected to your business are more committed and productive. Gallup has been telling us that for years. However, when staff work from home in...

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How To Develop The Perfect Company Vision

How To Develop The Perfect Company Vision

In the middle of a raging pandemic, developing a company vision statement is probably low down on the to-do list. As the global economic recession continues, there are undoubtedly lots of important tasks demanding your attention. However, a company vision statement...

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Top 8 Performance Review Tips For Employees

Top 8 Performance Review Tips For Employees

A performance review is your opportunity to get meaningful feedback on your performance at work. Rather than being an uncomfortable or negative process, performance reviews that are done well help you to grow in your job and progress in your career. So, what do you...

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10 Tips To Overcome Remote Team Conflict

10 Tips To Overcome Remote Team Conflict

Conflict resolution within remote teams is a difficult task for any manager. But when the dispute involves employees who are working remotely, it’s an even bigger challenge. And yet, home working is undoubtedly here to stay. The pandemic has simply fast-tracked what...

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Returning To Work After Coronavirus Tips

Returning To Work After Coronavirus Tips

Coronavirus lockdown restrictions are gradually being eased in some places around the globe. Over the coming weeks, staff will be swapping their slippers for shoes as they head back into offices and workplaces. While this return to normality is welcome news, business...

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Exit Interviews: The How, What, Why And Benefits

Exit Interviews: The How, What, Why And Benefits

Is your businesses guilty of letting important data on employee satisfaction simply walk out the door? Far from being a pointless exercise, exit interviews can provide essential insights into how your company is doing on the employee engagement front, and perhaps more...

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Employee Surveys: How To Get Started

Employee Surveys: How To Get Started

Employee surveys, employee engagement questionnaires, staff questionnaires or employee satisfaction surveys – call them what you will, but the end result is the same. The fact is, employee surveys are a great tool for harvesting feedback from staff and are a sure-fire...

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CEO Blogs: Tips On How To Communicate With Staff And Customers

CEO Blogs: Tips On How To Communicate With Staff And Customers

Many companies are realizing the value of CEO blogs as an internal communications tool. You see, engaging and interesting content shared in a CEO blog ticks a number of boxes all at once: from increased employee engagement and improved internal communications, through...

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How To Get A Raise: Essential Do’s And Don’ts

How To Get A Raise: Essential Do’s And Don’ts

Do you feel as though your contributions are being undervalued by your employer? Are your peers earning more money than you? Do you believe you’re not being paid as much as you deserve? If the answers to these questions are yes, then what’s the best way to broach the...

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Mindfulness In The Workplace: Practical Ways To Introduce It

Mindfulness In The Workplace: Practical Ways To Introduce It

It seems as though everyone is currently jumping on the mindfulness bandwagon: from Google through to Nike. But is it just another trendy fad or could there be something in it? If the notion of mindfulness conjures up an image of yoga mats, incense burning or mantra...

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100 Performance Example Phrases Continued

100 Performance Example Phrases Continued

Finds it difficult to delegate to team members, preferring to maintain control. Needs to work on making team members feel comfortable in voicing concerns or bringing up issues. Does not encourage or reward the ideas and solutions offered by team members....

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The Trouble With Meetings

The Trouble With Meetings

The trouble with meetings is that they are a monumental waste of time. Come on, be honest with yourself. Deep down you know it, I know it, we all know that meetings are an unproductive use of everyone’s time. The only reason we continue with this great charade is...

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FOMO Definition and Meaning: What Employers Need To Know

FOMO Definition and Meaning: What Employers Need To Know

The fear of missing out (FOMO) in relation to social media is a well-documented phenomenon. We all know the symptoms: that gnawing feeling that there’s something really cool happening that we’re not party to, which in turn drives us to regularly check for updates on...

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