Tackling complex problems, fostering creativity and nurturing collaborative solutions is universal in business today. The terms cooperation, coordination, and collaboration are often used interchangeably. However, collaboration refers to a higher level of joint...
social intranet articles
Employee Experience Management: What Every HR Manager Needs To Know
Once upon a time, a good salary plus a few perks like company vehicles or gym membership was all it took. Nowadays, attracting and retaining the best people in the hybrid workforce is not so straightforward. If you want to avoid the domino effect of the Great...
12 Top Tips To Power Up Your HR Comms
HR is the beating heart of every business, connecting management and staff. Get HR comms right, and the whole organization thrives. Impacting employee engagement, morale, and productivity, plus much more, HR communications are vital to business success. However,...
Is An Enterprise Social Network Right For Your Business?
We all know that every great workforce needs great collaboration and communication – that’s a given. But today's workplaces look different. Connecting, collaborating, and communicating are challenging in hybrid teams. An enterprise social network (ESN) can help bridge...
11 Employee Needs Work Should Satisfy
Your people are your best asset. We have heard the mantra so often that we have taken it for granted. But every successful business owner knows the company is only as good as the people who work there. So, it makes sense that looking after the needs of employees in...
Two Way Communication Explained
We don’t need to tell you how critical communication is to your organization’s success. It’s the glue that binds all staff together. However, many businesses mistake information sharing for communication. You may have a cutting-edge CEO vlog and multi-media staff...
Employee Empowerment: Definition, Benefits, And Ways To Empower Staff Today
Employee empowerment, employee engagement, employee motivation: There are so many terms bandied around nowadays that you would be forgiven for feeling confused. What do they all mean in the real world? And how do they affect your business? The truth is they are all...
Building An Online Community: A Guide To Starting And Maintaining A Community Forum
Want to build stronger relationships with existing and potential customers 24/7? It’s a no-brainer, right? Increasingly, businesses wanting to get ahead are looking to branded online communities to build those essential connections. But how do you get started? Here we...
13 Common Design Features For Business Instant Messaging
Fast, responsive, and relevant, instant messaging (IM) is a game-changer for many businesses. When collaboration and agile decision-making are vital, IM has much to offer companies. Once seen as the preserve of teenagers, IM has moved into the mainstream. And so, for...
Top 10 Internal Communication Examples For 2021
Do internal communications help or hinder your business? There’s no doubting; internal communications have been thrust center stage in the wake of the pandemic. With most employees working from home, effective communication is more critical than ever. However,...
Employee Appreciation: 10 Budget-Friendly Ways To Show Your Team Some Love
Employee Appreciation Day in the United States is usually observed on the first Friday in March, but with these budget-friendly ideas, you can show your appreciation every day. It’s been a challenging year for everyone, and a little appreciation goes a long way....
Can Workplace Technology Really Help Us To Collaborate More?
Workplace technology has undoubtedly transformed the way we work. When the first desktop computers were introduced in the 1970s, they were the size of modern-day TVs. Fast forward 50 years, and we are carrying around in our pockets sophisticated smartphone computers....
Beyond Covid-19: New Zealand’s Insights Into New Normal Working
Around the world, employees are tentatively returning to workplaces. But not wholesale. And not like before. So what does new normal working look like? The experience of New Zealand - where MyHub was born - offers some unique insights. Our island nation remains...
Help Staff Work From Home: Adjusting To The New Normal
Staff working from home is no longer the niche movement it once was. Covid-19 has forced employees and employers to rapidly adapt to this new work situation with almost no notice. Zero planning means the pros and cons of working from home are being uncovered...
How Your Business Can Use An Intranet Social Network: 10 Real-Life Examples
The current lockdown across much of the US and countries worldwide has fast-tracked an increasing trend. The number of staff working from home has exploded. Finding ways for staff to connect, share, and engage is more important than ever. An intranet social network...
Top 10 Intranet Design Trends 2019
There’s nothing like having a few days away from the office over the holiday season to give you a fresh perspective on things. It may be that you have come back to work, logged onto the company intranet and realized that it is looking a bit tired and dated and is in...
8 Trends That Will Boost Your Internal Communications Strategy
Internal Communications Internal communications isn’t just about keeping employees informed about what’s going on. It’s no secret that a good internal communications strategy is critical to company morale, productivity, and even revenue. The truth is that internal...
Intranet Tools: The Essential Top 10 For Business
Regular readers of this blog will be familiar with the business benefits an intranet has to offer. But for new readers here’s a quick recap on what’s possible by introducing intranet tools into your company: improved internal communications increases in employee...
Intranet Design: Five Ways To Improve Employee Engagement
Organizations with high levels of engaged employees are more productive and profitable, period. That’s the key message from recent research by Gallup. In fact, according to Gallup engaged organizations show much lower rates of employee turnover and absenteeism, as...
Busting the Social Intranets Myth
We’ve heard it all before: Social intranets just waste time. All your staff are going to do is idle away their time, sharing cat photos, holiday stories, and muffin recipes. Having a social intranet certainly won’t lead to an increase in productivity and more than...
5 Top Tips To Keep Employees Engaged Post Intranet Launch
So your company’s office intranet is finally up and running – let’s call that step one! Now it’s time to move onto step two; creating intranet content that your employees will want to engage with. Unfortunately, too many businesses think that once the office intranet...
Company Intranet Use To Optimize And Achieve HR Goals
Tempting as it may be, you shouldn’t be leaving the newest trends in technology to your IT team. No matter who you are in an organization, from the business owner to the HR manager, understanding innovative technology can have a beneficial effect on every aspect of a...
From Staff To A Community: How Social Intranets Can Bring Your Team Together
We, as people, are now social in a way we’ve never been before. Around two-thirds of American adults use social networks like Facebook and Twitter (an increase of ten times over the last decade, according to Pew Research), and many of us spend more time chatting over...
FOMO Definition and Meaning: What Employers Need To Know
The fear of missing out (FOMO) in relation to social media is a well-documented phenomenon. We all know the symptoms: that gnawing feeling that there’s something really cool happening that we’re not party to, which in turn drives us to regularly check for updates on...
Make Your CMS Intranet Content Valuable And Fun
“All staff” emails getting buried in inboxes? Printed newsletters seem outdated and environmentally unfriendly? It’s time to migrate company-wide communications to your (Content Management System) CMS intranet. Whether you’re getting the word out to an office of ten...
Product Update Dec 2016
We've been busy working on a number of enhancements since our last update, here's a summary of what's new.... Site Wide Activity Wall - New Module We've developed a new module that you can add to any page from the Module list. The module will aggregate certain user...
Internal Communications: How Technology Can Bring Them To Life
Communicating well with people within your company is, in many ways, even more important than how you communicate with those outside it. With employees demanding more engagement than ever before, not communicating with your team can severely impact not just morale and...
How To Ensure Your Employees Use The Company Intranet
You’ve spent several months behind the scenes designing and devising the content on your flash company intranet. It was launched with much hype and fanfare three months ago, and yet the statistics say that staff members have not adopted it in the wholesale fashion...
Make Remote Working More Efficient With A Cloud Intranet
It’s Monday morning and instead of being in the office, are you reading this while sitting on the sofa in your pajamas? Or perhaps you’re reading this and enjoying a cappuccino in the local coffee bar? If so, then you’re in good company as up to 37% of workers in the...
3 Easy Ways to Boost Employee Engagement Using Your Company Intranet
The benefits of employee engagement are undeniable and in our time-poor working lives, finding quick-win ways to enhance employee engagement can be a challenge. A company intranet offers some solutions that can quickly and easily be implemented, which will enhance...