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Employee Intranet: 42 Hot Reasons Why Every Business Needs One

Employee Intranet: 42 Hot Reasons Why Every Business Needs One

Want to improve your organization’s efficiency, productivity, and performance? It’s a no-brainer, right? Every company wants to streamline processes, enhance internal communication, and maximize profits. But what’s the best and most cost-effective way to do so? Plenty...

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5 Stages Of The Employee Life Cycle And Why They Matter

5 Stages Of The Employee Life Cycle And Why They Matter

It’s official – recruitment and retention have gotten a whole lot harder. That’s the bottom-line impact of the Great Resignation currently affecting global businesses of all shapes and sizes. And when it comes to taking action, the employee life cycle is a valuable...

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11 Employee Needs Work Should Satisfy

11 Employee Needs Work Should Satisfy

Your people are your best asset. We have heard the mantra so often that we have taken it for granted. But every successful business owner knows the company is only as good as the people who work there. So, it makes sense that looking after the needs of employees in...

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Bad Leadership: 10 Tell-Signs And Tips On How To Cope

Bad Leadership: 10 Tell-Signs And Tips On How To Cope

Low morale, stress, burnout, and conflict. When a bad leader is in control, there are often distressing consequences for team members. And the outcomes are just as devastating for the organization. Decreased productivity, staff turnover, and unhappy customers are just...

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Employee Theft: Six Ways To Safeguard Your Small Business

Employee Theft: Six Ways To Safeguard Your Small Business

Tesla sues employee for stealing software code’ proclaimed a recent CNBC headline. Employee theft is indeed on the rise, costing US businesses a whopping $110 million per day. And while most workers are trustworthy, it just takes one rogue individual to have a...

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IT Intranet: How To Improve Service And Boost Your Profile

IT Intranet: How To Improve Service And Boost Your Profile

IT departments are the powerhouse behind every successful business; but, their contribution is often underappreciated. Sometimes written off as being nerdy and uncool, IT departments fly under the radar until something goes wrong. However, the Covid pandemic has done...

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Employee Surveys: How To Get Started

Employee Surveys: How To Get Started

Employee surveys, employee engagement questionnaires, staff questionnaires or employee satisfaction surveys – call them what you will, but the end result is the same. The fact is, employee surveys are a great tool for harvesting feedback from staff and are a sure-fire...

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Employee Motivation: Do You Know What Makes Your Staff Tick?

Employee Motivation: Do You Know What Makes Your Staff Tick?

In today’s competitive marketplace, any advantage you can muster over the competition is worth investigating, right? Employee motivation and knowing how to get the best out of your workforce is one of those areas that can yield quite significant gains and yet it’s a...

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